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Rusty Rascals

Moolah Muncher


King Goblin

  • Wasted

    Rusty Rascals

    Moolah Muncher


    King Goblin

A Tale of Fortune and Fate

A Tale of Fortune and Fate

In the underbelly of the cryptoverse, a new NFT collection stirs up a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. The Goblin Gold project, conceived by the creative blockchain collective known as the Cryptic Cauldron, is about to launch, introducing a unique blend of fantasy and finance.

Goblin Gold is not your ordinary NFT or meme coin collection. It comprises an assortment of goblin characters, each represented by a beautifully designed digital token. However, these aren't just any goblins; each NFT is meticulously designed to depict a unique story of a goblin's economic status — from the filthy rich moguls and the hardworking middle-class to the struggling poor and the unfortunate deceased.

The richer the goblin depicted by the NFT, the more valuable the airdrop. Each rich goblin NFT is encoded with a lucrative amount of the newly minted "Treasure Token" (Tres), the project's native cryptocurrency. Middle-class goblins carry a modest amount, while the poor and deceased goblins carry a pittance or, at times, no tokens at all.

As the launch event unfolds in the vibrant heart of Seoul, South Korea, the first NFT — "Grix the Magnate", the richest goblin in the collection — is minted. This event triggers an airdrop of a massive amount of Tres to the new owner, marking the beginning of the Goblin Gold economy. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause as the innovative mechanism springs to life, and the news quickly trends across global crypto platforms.

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Goblin Gold is not your ordinary NFT or meme coin collection. It comprises an assortment of goblin characters, each represented by a beautifully designed digital token.